Arcade Belgium
jp maimai Deluxe PRiSM PLUS

maimai Deluxe PRiSM PLUSmaimai Deluxe PRiSM PLUS is available today. The new version includes new popular songs (POPS & Anime, Niconico & Vocaloid™, Touhou Project, Games & Variety) and collaborations and events such as NEEDY GIRL OVERDOSE Area 2 and Kamitsubaki City Collaboration Area (rewards: Tour Members,Nameplates and Frames). A new partner Cho Ten-chan is added as a collaboration stamp card reward. You can get her by collecting five stamps, which can be used once a day, on your Stamp Card. Music collaboration events with CHUNITHM and ONGEKI are also available. If you play the specific songs in these two games, you will also be able to play them in maimai Deluxe Prism Plus.

* Author: SophieKitty * More info... * Permalink

jp Ryu Kyu II

Ryu Kyu IIRyu Kyu II is available on ALL.Net P-ras MULTI Version 3 today. Developed by Success, Ryukyu is back for the first time in 35 years. This is a simple yet deep puzzle game where you line up poker hands vertically, horizontally and diagonally. You have to drop cards from above to complete poker hands. Ryukyu cards are almighty and gives you a chance to make a super powerful hand.

* Author: SophieKitty * More info... * Permalink

jp Cambria Sword: Another Cry

Cambria Sword: Another CryA new game is available on exA-Arcadia today: Cambria Sword: Another Cry. It's an exclusive exA-Arcadia 2D horizontal shoot'em up developed by VAGUES GAMES & exA-Arcadia TEAM-EXA AM2. Cambria Sword -Life of Wonder-, the original game, is a PC doujin shmup released in 2016 by Vagues Games. The game takes place in the Cambrian Period where trilobites (prehistoric arthropods) are dragged into an intergalactic war. Cambria Sword: Another Cry features 6 playable characters with their own play style, 72 weapons (12 main + sub weapons), 80 boss and mutiple stage routes and endings. The game kit contains the game cartridge, a A1 poster, a header, 2 instruction strips (Japanese & English) and a manual (Japanese & English). Buy your copy by Red Sun Systems.

* Author: SophieKitty * More info... * Permalink

jp Jitsu Squad featuring Samurai Pizza Cats

Jitsu Squad featuring Samurai Pizza CatsJitsu Squad featuring Samurai Pizza Cats is available today. This is a 2D brawler by Dutch developer Tanuki Creative Studio released on exA-Arcadia. A home version of Jitsu Squad was released in 2022 but this arcade version features Samurai Pizza Cats characters. Up to 4 palyers can join the journey to defeat the sinister sorcerer Origami who kidnapped your master and is plunging the world into chaos. There are 5 playable characters each equipped with multiple special techniques and weapons. All characters are voiced and Kappei Yamaguchi reprises his role as Speedy/Yattarou. There are multiple path to get to the final boss. Jitsu Squad featuring Samurai Pizza Cats can be played in 2P or 4P cabinets, supports Japanese and Englis language. The game kit contains the game cartridge, an A1 Size Poster (2-Sided), a marquee/header, instruction strips (Japanese & English) and manual (Japanese/English). You can order your game copy at Red Sun Systems.

* Author: SophieKitty * More info... * Permalink


CHUNITHM VERSEThe new version of CHUNITHM is out in Japan today. It is named CHUNITHM VERSE. 13 new songs are available and by playing the song Sukina sōzai happyō doragon four times, you can get the dragon character! The "ULTIMA" difficulty level appears for 8 songs, it can be played by obtaining RANK S or higher on either EXPERT or higher for the song. New collaborations with 2 mobiles games: Gakuen iDOLM@STER and Link! Like! Love Live! and the movie The Quintessential Quintuplets and the anime Bocchi the Rock!. Two new courses VERSE ep. I and ONGEKI Chapter 6 [Individual on ONGEKI!] are also available. A new UNLOCK CHALLENGE is now open: by challenging some songs, you can get characters and songs. And to finish, a maimai DX and Ongeki music collaboration event is held.

* Author: AB Team * More info... * Permalink

jp Shimensokas

ShimensokasSuccess releases Shimensokas on Sega's ALL.Net P-ras Multi Version 3 today. This is an omnidirectional shooting puzzle game that can only be played solo. You shoot and eliminate balls that come from 360 degrees and approach the center. You fire number balls from your ship. If the balls that hit each other have the same number, they will stick together, and if they have different numbers, they will bounce off. When the number of stuck balls reaches or exceeds the number, the balls will disappear. Each time you erase a ball, the speed at which it approaches increases.

* Author: SophieKitty * More info... * Permalink

jp Dragon Ball Super Divers

Dragon Ball Super DiversDragon Ball Super Divers is the new digital card game from Bandai following Super Dragon Ball Heroes. The game will feature a new cabinet featuring 3 32-inch monitors (300% larger than the SDBH), new cards and game rules. Player battle using one Avatar Card which represents their avatar and one to a maximum of seven "Battle Cards" featuring Dragon Ball characters. There are three types of battle cards: Impact types that deal great damage in a single hit, Rush types that are good for consecutive attacks, and Boost types that tend to increase combat power. Battle cards are also classified into four rarity levels: normal (N), rare (R), super rare (SR), and god rare (GDR). God rare cards have powerful effects and are highly collectible due to their luxurious design with holographic and three-dimensional gold foil. The first set of God Rare will feature popular Saiyans as well as characters from the currently airing all-new anime series Dragon Ball Daima. Some God Rares also come with parallel versions ( special watercolor-style designs called God Rare Parallels that are different from the standard designs. Dragon Ball Super Divers has a variety of modes that users can choose from depending on their preferences. There are many ways to play, such as reliving the story of Dragon Ball participating in tournaments, and sometimes fighting fierce battles with strong opponents. First, the single player modes include "History Dive" and "Dokabaki Dive." In addition, a "Dokabaki Dive" available for a limited time after launch. Then, the battle mode where you can enjoy in-store battles/friend matches and online ranked matches where you can battle rivals from all over the country. In online ranked matches, you will be matched with players of a similar level from rivals around the country. Dragon Ball Super Divers features 4 kind of action skills that activate special effects when you use cards, touch buttons, or other buttons during battle. Bandai will implement a Super Dragon Ball Heroes Mode that will allow the use of cards from Dragon Ball Heroes and Super Dragon Ball Heroes.

* Author: SophieKitty * More info... * Permalink

jp beatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crush

beatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crushbeatmania IIDX 32 Pinky Crush is available today. New elements that will further evolve the gameplay are added: song selection screen renewal, navigation function, my activity function, sub-rival function, premium area enhancement and 2-player function enhancement.

* Author: SophieKitty * More info... * Permalink

jp Fixeight Exa Label

Fixeight Exa LabelA new game is available today in the exA-Arcadia's EXA LABEL series: FIXEIGHT EXA LABEL. This is a vertical widescreen 4 player run & gun action game. The game is developed by exA-Arcadia in cooperation with original TOAPLAN staff members, Nanpei Kaneko returns as the Illustrator and Scenario Director. Keishi Yonao directed the new arranged soundtrack. You can choose from 8 mercenaries each with 3 types of weaponry and unique play styles. Every character is now fully voiced by renowned 90’s anime voice actors. You can try one of the 5 game modes proposed. EXA LABEL: a fast paced action packed remake of the original game focused on scoring and usage of bombs, ORIGINAL’ (DASH) : a 1 loop only enhanced version of the original game fixing graphics bugs and gameplay bugs, ORIGINAL – a 100% accurate port of the 1993 game, EXTREME: the ultimate challenge and SCORE ATTACK: practice 1 stage of any mode or difficulty. FIXEIGHT EXA LABEL features 1 frame input lag response, 2 times faster than the original arcade version. You can buy your copy by Red Sun Systems: you have the choice between the standard edition (Game Cartridge, A1 Size Poster, Marquee/Header, Instruction Strip (Japanese & English), ARC-32 / Vewlix Marquee & Bezel Stickers, Manual (Japanese/English)) and the limited edition that contains the standard version stuff plus Sanwa Joystick Accessories Set, exA-Arcadia Joystick Ball, exA-Arcadia Joystick Dust Cover, exA-Arcadia Set of 3 Buttons, 8 FIXEIGHT EXA LABEL 180 cm POP.

* Author: SophieKitty * More info... * Permalink

jp pop'n music Jam&Fizz

pop'n music Jam&FizzThe lastest pop'n music game is out today: pop'n music Jam&Fizz. Three new features are added. In the previous game, you had to set the speed at which notes fall and the appearance of "Pop-kun" for each song individually. In this game, the settings are saved for each song and each score, so you can play with the same settings in the future once you set them. The "GUIDE SE" option, which plays a sound according to the judgment when "Pop-kun" is hit, has added a "volume adjustment function" that allows you to set the volume. A "quick quit feature" has been added so that you can quickly quit a song if something isn't going well.

* Author: SophieKitty * More info... * Permalink

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